Holland Public Schools launching 3-year engineering pathway
Holland Public Schools is launching a new program pathway for students interested in developing engineering skills in the 2017-18 school year.
It’s the latest effort by the district to increase STEM — science, engineering, technology and mathematics — in all grade levels. This year, a STEM program was launched for fifth, sixth and seventh-grade students in Holland schools.
“Global and local challenges surround us,” the district said in a video announcing the pathway program. “To address these challenges and problems moving forward, we need people who know problem-solving strategies, think critically and creatively, communication and collaborate with others, and persevere when something does not work the first time. Project Lead The Way empowers students with these skills, relevant to any career or role they take on.”
Project Lead The Way started in eighth grade and continues through 10th grade with three core classes:
- Principles of Engineering: Eighth-graders will explore a broad range of engineering topics including mechanisms, the strength of structures and materials, automation and design process.
- Intro to Engineering Design: Ninth-graders will learn and experience the engineering design process, working as individuals and in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3-D modeling software.
- Digital Electronics: 10th-graders will get a foundation in electrical engineering, electronics and circuit design. Students will study topics like combinational and sequential logic, and learn about circuit design tools used in the industry.
From 10th-12th grade, students can choose from different options. They can earn an associate’s degree of science or applied science through a partnership between Holland Early College and Muskegon Community College, join the Holland High Robotics Team, take advanced placement courses like coding, enroll in engineering classes at Careerline Tech Center, or participate in internships/mentorships at Holland-area businesses.